Fresh from the printers: The CHAMAELEO 48 is here!

Fresh from the printers: The CHAMAELEO 48 is here!

General topics

The post office has just arrived and delivered heavy parcels. Today and tomorrow, the accompanying letters will be prepared and the booklets will be wrapped so that they can be sent to the post office and into your letterbox. After a long time without any articles, there were suddenly quite a few. This issue of CHAMÄLEO was again well over 100 pages. It’s great that you participate so well and deliver interesting and exciting articles. We look forward to receiving more articles for the next issue!

Annual conference 2020 cancelled

General topics

Unfortunately, we have to cancel the Annual Conference 2020, which we had planned to hold at the beginning of June. Although the first relaxations in the current Corona pandemic are beginning to take effect, the imponderables are still too great.

We are currently considering 8-9 May 2021 as a new date for next year. By then the situation should have calmed down so that we can all meet in Boppard in large numbers!

Farewell to Guy Kremer

AG Interna General topics

Dear AG members,

We have received some sad news.

Our long-time and loyal member Guy Kremer sadly passed away far too young last Saturday.

Everyone who knew him appreciated him for his calm, matter-of-fact manner and his wealth of knowledge. You could have controversial discussions with him and always got new suggestions and tips, be it about the next Seychelles trip or about life in general.

Unfortunately, he lost his last difficult battle. Our thoughts are now with his family.

We will miss you….


Conference Report 2019

Conference Report 2019

Conference reports

From 24 to 26 May 2019, chameleon enthusiasts from Germany, Belgium, and Switzerland met for the meeting of AG Chamäleons. Traditionally, the meeting started on Friday evening for those who arrived earlier with a casual dinner at the Schnuggel-Elsje, a restaurant directly at the marketplace of Boppard.

On Saturday, the conference started “officially” with significantly more visitors, with the opening by AG spokesperson David Hellendrung. Alexandra Laube reported in her lecture on experiences with the use of an egg monitor. With this device from the USA, the pulse of chameleons can be measured while still in the egg. Why this should be done and what benefit it has for the incubation of Calumma parsonii parsonii eggs was discussed in detail. Afterward, Annika Schmid presented in her first lecture at the AG, which media especially younger people currently use to inform themselves about chameleon keeping on the internet. In particular, there was a tendency towards easily accessible information in the form of videos, clips, and reels on various platforms such as YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat. Following this, there was an interesting discussion about which paths the AG could and should take in order to also address younger keepers and especially beginners.

After a hearty lunch, the cash report and the annual report of the management team followed. A greeting from the DGHT Presidium was delivered by Vice-President Matthias Jurczyk. David Hellendrung then took the conference visitors deep into Tanzania. Franziska von Ballmoos showed a completely different country. The Swiss has been to Malta several times and gave beautiful insights into the country, people, culture and of course the habitat of the European chameleon, Chamaeleo chamaeleon.

In the photo competition, in which many AG members took part, the dwarf chameleons won this year. First place went to Anne Stemper’s photo of a Bradypodion damaranum. Second place went to Gerd Fritzsche with his photo of an Archaius tigris. Third place went to [no name here] with a photo of a Bradypodion thamnobates. The Saturday ended with another Swiss contribution: Markus Grimm presented the legislation and requirements for keeping chameleons in Switzerland. In Switzerland, before a chameleon keeping permit is granted, participation in an expert course is required, as well as an inspection of the planned terrarium by an expert. Markus showed which topics are covered in the expert course and what special attention is paid to. The evening ended with dinner together.

On Sunday, Alexandra Laube showed with a lecture on earth chameleons in Madagascar that these animals are much more than “little brown critters”. At the end of the conference, David Hellendrung thanked all participants and the management team. The date for the next meeting has already been set!

Tagungsprogramm 2019

  Freitag, 24. Mai 2019
18:00 Anreise und gemütliches Abendessen, wir treffen uns auf dem Marktplatz von Boppard
  Samstag, 25. Mai 2019
10:30 Begrüßung
10:45 Alexandra Laube: Puls-Messung an Eiern von Calumma parsonii parsonii
11:45 Annika Schmid: Chamäleonhaltung 2.0
12:30 Mittagspause
14:30 AG intern: Kassenbericht und allgemeine Informationen vom Leitungsteam
14:45 David Hellendrung: Auf Chamäleonsuche in Tansania – und alles, was dazu gehört
16:00 Franziska von Ballmoos: Malta und sein Chamäleon
17:00 Pause
17:30 Fotowettbewerb
17:45 Markus Grimm: Chamäleonhaltung in der Schweiz – Gesetzgebung, Einrichtung und Belüftung von Terrarien
  Sonntag, 26. Mai 2019
10:45 Alexandra Laube: Erdchamäleons aus Madagaskar – mehr als “kleine braune Viehcher”
12:45 Verabschiedung


Conference Report 2018

Conference Report 2018

Conference reports


Tagungsprogramm 2018

  Freitag, 01. Juni 2018
18:00 Anreise und gemütliches Abendessen, wir treffen uns auf dem Marktplatz von Boppard
  Samstag, 02. Juni 2018
10:00 Begrüßung
10:15 Wolfgang Schmidt: Namibia, der Chamäleons wegen
11:00 Petr Nečas: Die Welt der Chamäleons, Teil I
12:45 Mittagspause
14:45 AG intern: Wahlen und Kassenbericht
15:30 David Prötzel: Entdeckung der Fluoreszenz bei Chamäleons und Vorstellung neu entdeckter Arten von Madagaskar
16:30 Fotowettbewerb
17:30 Petr Nečas: Die Welt der Chamäleons, Teil II
  Sonntag, 03. Juni 2018
10:30 David Hellendrung: Bau einer Terrarienanlage für Stummelschwanzchamäleons
11:15 Alexandra Laube: Blutuntersuchung bei Chamäleons
12:00 Verabschiedung