Rhampholeon acuminatus offspring at Citizen Conservation

Rhampholeon acuminatus offspring at Citizen Conservation

AG Interna Nachzuchten

AG member Falk Eckhardt recently had a great success: His Rhampholeon acuminatus have successfully produced their first clutch of eggs. Congratulations!

The Nguru Spiny Pigmy Chameleon occurs in the wild exclusively in the small Mingu Nature Reserve in the eponymous Nguru Mountains in Tanzania. The IUCN classifies the species as critically endangered on the Red List of Threatened Species. Rhampholeon acuminatus is the first chameleon species for which a professional breeding programme has been set up as part of Citizen Conservation. The original animals come from Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna (Austria). So far, there have only been F1 offspring (= offspring of wild-caught animals). Falk’s offspring, if they hopefully hatch, would be the first F2 offspring of the Nguru Spiny Pigmy Chameleon in the Citizen Conservation project. We keep our fingers crossed!

Picture: The eggs

Calendars for sale

Calendars for sale

Abzugeben AG Interna

We still have a few calendars to give away! Of course, the calendars don’t start in January, but in June 2024 and extend beyond our next conference into June 2025. They contain many fantastic chameleon photos from our last photo competition – finally there are changing chameleons for the wall. ;) The format is 30 x 30 cm, the print is very high quality. To the right of the dates you have the option of entering dates or notes for each day. Cost: €20 plus shipping. If you would like to secure one of the last copies, simply send an e-mail to info@agchamaeleons.de !

Addendum: All calendars have now been sold.


Chameleon DAY? Chameleon WEEKEND!

Chameleon DAY? Chameleon WEEKEND!

AG Interna Internationaler Chamäleontag

And for those who have acquired a taste for chameleons and can’t get enough of them: There is not only an International Chameleon Day this year, but also a whole weekend dedicated to chameleons! Our 2024 conference is the right place for you. From 24 to 26 May 2024, chameleon friends from all over the world will meet in Fulda, Germany, to exchange experiences, learn tips and tricks and pursue their shared hobby, the world of chameleons. We have prepared a colourful series of lectures and a photo competition. Anyone who is interested can register without obligation via our website. We look forward to seeing “old friends”, but also new faces!

#showyourcolours #internationalchameleonday #chameleonday #chameleondayMay9 #agchamaeleons #chameleonweekend #chameleonconference

Excursion after the conference

Excursion after the conference

AG Interna

As we are also exploring new terrain this year with a new conference venue, there is another special novelty for Sunday, 26 May 2024: anyone who wants to can explore the Fulda “Tümpelgarten” with the Chameleons Working Group after the lecture part of the conference. This is the 13,000 m² site of the “Scalare” association. In a specially constructed aquarium and terrarium exhibition, the members of the association keep a variety of reptiles, fish and invertebrates. Outside, the facilities are complemented by aviaries with birds, squirrels and enclosures for land and water turtles. The meeting point is at 1 p.m. in front of the gates of the association’s premises, which are only one and a half kilometres away from the conference venue.

Photos: Aquarium and Terrarium Club “Scalare” 1925/55 e.V. Fulda

Preliminary conference programme online

Preliminary conference programme online

AG Interna

Our preliminary conference programme is online! As an absolute novelty, we will not be meeting in Boppard on the Rhine this year from 24 to 26 May, but in Fulda. Fulda not only offers a beautiful historic city centre and excellent ICE connections, but also a great conference venue in the form of the Stadtgasthof Drei Linden. The Stadtgasthof not only has newly renovated rooms, but also its own butcher’s shop (don’t worry, there are also vegetarian and vegan dishes), a playground for children and a beer garden for adults.

The first travellers will meet up on Friday evening for an after-work beer in the old town of Fulda, which is just a ten-minute walk from the conference venue. On Saturday, the conference programme will get underway, which will once again offer a colourful mix of travel lectures, terraristics, veterinary aspects and research projects. A first preview can be found here.

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

AG Interna General topics

We can look back on an eventful 2023. We had a great conference, lots of news about the world of chameleons and, most recently, we were able to successfully place a number of animals. Let’s hope that 2024 will be even more active. The entire board of the AG Chameleons wishes you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays! We are particularly looking forward to next year’s conference, which will be held in Fulda for the first time in over 20 years. The programme is currently being prepared and will be published shortly – then you will also receive more information on registration and room bookings. It will be a very interesting and varied programme – stay tuned!

Bild: pikisuperstar und catalyststuff / Freepik

Trioceros jacksoniis looking for a new home

Trioceros jacksoniis looking for a new home

Abzugeben AG Interna General topics

A keeper has contacted us as AG Chamäleons because he is looking for new keepers for his three Trioceros jacksonii jacksonii. Two males and one female (2.1) are for sale. One of the males was bought in 2020 already adult. Together with a female that unfortunately died, it then had offspring, of which two still remain with the owner. The two offspring are a male and a female born in November 2020. All three chameleons eat very well and are not used to daily handling. If you are interested in adopting the animals, please send an email to info@agchamaeleons.de.

Addendum 27.09.2023: All three animals have found a new owner.



Location for the 2024 conference

Location for the 2024 conference

AG Interna General topics

The decision has now been made: we will meet for the 2024 conference in beautiful Fulda in Hesse. The venue is the Stadtgasthof Drei Linden in Neuenberger Str. 37 in 36041 Fulda. The rooms have recently been renovated, the food on site is good and there is also a beer garden and playground for children. IMPORTANT: Room bookings at the Stadtgasthof Drei Linden are only possible from January 2024! It is a ten-minute walk from the inn to the historic centre of Fulda. So if you don’t want to stay overnight directly on site, you’ll find all the options in Fulda itself. Fulda has an ICE train station and can be reached from all directions in Germany within a few hours. More information will follow as soon as the conference programme has been finalised.