Oddity: Use of chameleon powder in Algeria

Oddity: Use of chameleon powder in Algeria

General topics

Dried bodies of Chamaeleo chamaeleon have always been used in traditional medicine in Algeria. In the El Oued region, extracts and powders from common chameleons are still regularly used today for the therapy of various diseases and various superstitions. An Algerian biochemist has now tried to prove the benefits of chameleon powder in a somewhat curious way.

Allegedly exactly 1000 users of the powder as well as 100 hunters and sellers were questioned for a maximum of 10 to 15 minutes by means of questionnaires or interviews. The evaluation of these was not published. However, the author states that according to the interviews, chameleons are only hunted by “experienced persons”. However, the breeding season is left out, so no damage to the chameleon population is to be feared.

In addition, an unspecified number of wild Chamaeleo chamaeleon were captured and killed in Algeria. The organs were removed, the chameleons washed, salted and dried at 35 to 40°C for over a week. The dried bodies were then washed again and re-dried in an oven at 45°C. The chameleons were then killed using mice. Then the chameleons were ground using a mortar to obtain powder. Dry matter, ph values, protein, carbohydrate, fat, calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium and ash contents of the powder were examined. A relatively high phosphorus content of 14.01% stood out, and traces of iron, zinc and copper were also detected. A relatively high concentration of vitamin E (19.23 mg/100 g powder) was noticed, as well as vitamin B1 (21 mg/100 g powder). Under laboratory conditions, the powder proved capable of scavenging radicals. Also in the laboratory, the powder as an extract at 100 mg/ml showed some efficacy against various bacteria. In a chicken chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) assay, angiogenesis was tested around a powder disc inserted into a fertilised chicken egg.

Several groups of laboratory rats were treated with carbimazole in the drinking water. Afterwards, one group was freely injected into the abdomen with a solution containing chameleon powder, one group was fed chameleon powder in various mixtures, another was given levothyroxine in the drinking water, another nothing at all and a final group was injected with water in the abdomen. After the experimental period, blood was taken and then all the rats were killed and dissected. The rats showed no reaction to the chameleon powder, while treatment with levothyroxine, not surprisingly, resulted in various changes in blood count and blood chemistry.

The author interestingly concludes from all these experiments that the use of dried chameleon powder is safe for use in humans and can treat tonsillitis, coughs, skin diseases such as vitiligo, scorpion stings, urinary tract infections, leukaemia (!) as well as thyroid diseases. However, none of his studies provides any proof of this and so this “study” remains more of an absurd curiosity.

Physicochemical composition and evaluation of biological activities of Chamaeleo chamaeleon
Ouafa Boudebia
Thesis TD571/007/01 der Universität von Eloued, 2023
DOI:  none

Panther chameleons in Madagascar

Panther chameleons in Madagascar

General topics Verbreitung Newspaper articles

In the bi-monthly magazine of the DGHT e.V., the Elaphe, a nice article on the panther chameleons of Madagascar has been published. It was written by two members of the AG Chamäleons who regularly travel to the island.

The article describes in words and pictures the distribution area of the panther chameleons on Madagascar, which extends over the northern half of the island, more precisely from a few kilometres south of the village of Ankaramibe in the northwest to the north of Madagascar and down the east coast to about 90 km south of the port city of Toamasina. The chameleons are found mainly in secondary vegetation in open landscapes, but also in cocoa plantations, overgrown gardens and rainforests.

The life cycle of the panther chameleons in Madagascar is mainly determined by the rainy season between November and March. The chameleons mate during this time. After 30 to 40 days, the females lay between 11 and 35 eggs in a nest they have dug themselves. The young hatch only in the next rainy season.

The article goes into particular detail about the different local forms, the different colour appearance of the male panther chameleons depending on the location. The authors currently count more than 30 different local forms on Madagascar, which are separated from each other by natural barriers such as rivers. There are probably many more, but not all of them have been discovered yet.

Pantherchamäleons (Furcifer pardalis) – Meister der Farben
Thorsten Negro and Alexandra Laube
Elaphe 3, 2023, pp. 12-25

Photo: Panther chameleon of the local form Ambanja on Madagascar, photographed by Thorsten Negro.

A thank you to Ines

A thank you to Ines

General topics

Just in time for the fourth Advent, we sent a little Chameleon thank-you on its way to Hamburg this weekend. For more than ten years, Ines Opifanti has made her private web space available for hosting the website of AG Chamäleons. And she also looked after the website on the side. Both are now in new hands. As this commitment cannot be taken for granted, we would like to thank Ines very much. Thank you for your time, effort, and work! We hope you will think back to the AG while enjoying a glass or two of gin ;)

Fresh from the printers: The CHAMAELEO 48 is here!

Fresh from the printers: The CHAMAELEO 48 is here!

General topics

The post office has just arrived and delivered heavy parcels. Today and tomorrow, the accompanying letters will be prepared and the booklets will be wrapped so that they can be sent to the post office and into your letterbox. After a long time without any articles, there were suddenly quite a few. This issue of CHAMÄLEO was again well over 100 pages. It’s great that you participate so well and deliver interesting and exciting articles. We look forward to receiving more articles for the next issue!

Annual conference 2020 cancelled

General topics

Unfortunately, we have to cancel the Annual Conference 2020, which we had planned to hold at the beginning of June. Although the first relaxations in the current Corona pandemic are beginning to take effect, the imponderables are still too great.

We are currently considering 8-9 May 2021 as a new date for next year. By then the situation should have calmed down so that we can all meet in Boppard in large numbers!

Farewell to Guy Kremer

AG Interna General topics

Dear AG members,

We have received some sad news.

Our long-time and loyal member Guy Kremer sadly passed away far too young last Saturday.

Everyone who knew him appreciated him for his calm, matter-of-fact manner and his wealth of knowledge. You could have controversial discussions with him and always got new suggestions and tips, be it about the next Seychelles trip or about life in general.

Unfortunately, he lost his last difficult battle. Our thoughts are now with his family.

We will miss you….


Maecenas vel urna quis dui dapibus mollis placerat sed leo. Vivamus ultrices dui nulla, sed tincidunt eros luctus et. Proin metus risus, commodo vel neque id, tincidunt facilisis velit. Phasellus aliquet non tortor vel mollis. Fusce iaculis lectus sed consequat laoreet. Sed eu nisi imperdiet, bibendum turpis nec, molestie est. Morbi ut pellentesque risus.

Nullam varius metus vel nulla iaculis iaculis. Nulla non velit arcu. Donec scelerisque id tellus vel mollis. Vivamus placerat lacinia congue. Integer vel justo in nulla euismod elementum vel id tellus. Proin nibh arcu, pharetra vitae venenatis nec, ultricies ut sem. In vitae velit sapien. Ut rhoncus lacus eu est malesuada, nec scelerisque mauris posuere.

aktuelle Wettbewerbe

General topics

Auch dieses Jahr findet wieder der Fotowettbewerb und die Wahl zum gelungensten Beitrag in der CHAMAELEO statt.

Wie bisher erfolgt die Einsendung der Fotos an das Leitungsteam. Dabei kann jedes Mitglied bis zu 3 Bilder einsenden. Das Leitungsteam wird dann eine kleine Vorauswahl treffen und die Bilder auf der Jahrestagung präsentieren. Die endgültige Prämierung erfolgt durch die Tagungsteilnehmer.
Wichtig zu erwähnen wäre noch, dass die Rechte an den Fotos natürlich beim Einsender liegen müssen. Einsendeschluss für den Fotowettbewerb ist der 30. April 2012.
Bei der Jahrestagung werden die besten Fotos und die besten Artikel der vergangenen zwei Ausgaben der Chamaeleo von den Mitglieder gewählt. Gewählt werden können alle Beiträge aus den Rubriken “Magazin” sowie “Haltung und Zucht”. Schriftliche Stimmen werden per Mail oder Post bis 1 Woche vor der Tagung entgegenenommen. Die Überreichung der Präsente erfolgt ebenfalls auf der Jahrestagung.

Auch Bilder und Vorschläge können per Post oder eMail an das Leitungsteam geschickt werden. (Leitungsteam@chamaeleons.org)

Chamaeleo 43 erschienen

General topics

die 43. Ausgabe unseres Mitgliederrundbriefes ist erschienen. Erwartet habt Ihr dieses Heft sicher schon Ende 2011. Aus Mangel an Beiträgen hat es diesmal leider etwas länger gedauert. Damit die nächste Ausgabe pünktlich erscheinen kann, hoffen wir auf Vorschläge und Einsendungen von Euch!