Twins in Veiled Chameleons in Latvia

Twins in Veiled Chameleons in Latvia

Short messages Nachzuchten

The hatching of two pairs of twins of Veiled Chameleons (Chamaeleo calyptratus) in Latvia has been reported from Riga. The parents live at Riga Zoo and the young hatched in March 2022. The twins were two male and two female Veiled Chameleons, each pair in one egg. They came from a clutch of 85 eggs, of which 48 eventually hatched. All four young animals were active at first and accepted food. At the age of two months, one of the juveniles died, the remaining three were still alive in February 2023.

The article also gives a brief overview of cases of twins in reptiles from the existing literature.

A review of twinning in lizards and a report of Veiled Chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus) twin births
Alessandro di Marzio, Elza Birbele, Lucia Puchades, Andris Lazdiņš
Herpetology Notes 16: 471-476, 2023

Photo: One of the twin pairs at hatching

Influence of UV-B on growth

Influence of UV-B on growth

Short messages Science

An interesting husbandry experience from the USA was presented in a short note in the Herpetological Review. Twelve carpet chameleon hatchlings (Furcifer lateralis) from the same clutch were divided into four groups of three animals each. During the first ten weeks after hatching, two groups were provided with a daily UV index of up to 3 for 12 h, the other two groups with a UV index of up to 7. Reptisun 5.0 was used to achieve the different UV indices. Measurements were taken with the Solarmeter 6.5. The chameleons were allowed to avoid UVI up to 0. After six, eight and ten weeks, the carpet chameleons were measured and weighed. It was noticed that in weeks 6 and 10, the groups with the lower UV index were up to 25% heavier than the comparison groups.

The two authors conclude that higher UV indices during rearing in the first weeks could lead to slower growth rates in carpet chameleons. This would correspond to the observation in nature that young animals “sunbathe” rather rarely and stay more hidden in the bushes. Due to the small group of test subjects and mixed groups instead of individual keeping, you must still be cautious with conclusions here. In addition, it is unfortunately still largely unexplored whether and how chameleons can regulate their vitamin D3 regulation in artificial light compared to natural sunlight. Nevertheless, it is a very interesting approach that is certainly worth pursuing.

Furcifer lateralis (carpet chameleon): Impact of Ultraviolet Light on growth
Michael J. Nash, Christopher V. Anderson
Herpetological Review 52 (2), 2022

Save the date: Conference 2023 / Call for speakers

Save the date: Conference 2023 / Call for speakers

Short messages

For the first time in the history of the AG Chamäleons, the date for the next meeting was found by online voting this year. An astonishing number of chameleon enthusiasts took part. As a result, the next meeting date will be 05 to 07 May 2023. So please mark this date in your calendar already now!

At the same time, we would like to invite you to submit planned presentations to We are looking for reports on common or rarer species, breeding reports, notes from everyday life with chameleons, travel reports to chameleon habitats, information on diseases, and also results from research, taxonomy, new discoveries or other exciting areas. If you would like to give a talk, you do not necessarily have to be a member of the AG Chamäleons or the DGHT. We are looking forward to a colourful variety of presentations!