Excursion after the conference

Excursion after the conference

As we are also exploring new terrain this year with a new conference venue, there is another special novelty for Sunday, 26 May 2024: anyone who wants to can explore the Fulda “Tümpelgarten” with the Chameleons Working Group after the lecture part of the conference. This is the 13,000 m² site of the “Scalare” association. In a specially constructed aquarium and terrarium exhibition, the members of the association keep a variety of reptiles, fish and invertebrates. Outside, the facilities are complemented by aviaries with birds, squirrels and enclosures for land and water turtles. The meeting point is at 1 p.m. in front of the gates of the association’s premises, which are only one and a half kilometres away from the conference venue.

Photos: Aquarium and Terrarium Club “Scalare” 1925/55 e.V. Fulda

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