Chameleons as prey of Compsophis infralineatus

Chameleons as prey of Compsophis infralineatus

Beobachtungen Science

Some interesting observations were recently made in central eastern Madagascar. Two snakes of the species Compsophis infralineatus were observed trying to devour chameleons as prey. Overall, not much is known about these snakes, but they were long thought to be primarily frog and egg eaters. An observation from 2018 already reports an attempt by another Compsophis species to eat a chameleon, which was regurgitated.

The current observations were made in the private rainforest of Vallombre Natiora near Mandraka. During night walks, an adult Compsophis infralineatus was discovered eating an adult Calumma gastrotaenia. The entire process of consumption was not observed, the snake had disappeared on return to the site, as had the chameleon. The authors assume that the chameleon was successfully devoured. On the same night, another snake of the same species was seen attempting to eat an adult Calumma crypticum. The chameleon was still alive and tried to free itself from the snake’s coils, but seemed unsuccessful first. Later, the same snake was seen again, hanging with its mouth in the back of the chameleon, which was apparently still alive but no with the snake wrapped around it. In the photo, it appears that the chameleon is still alive.

Predation on the chameleons Calummy crypticum Raxworthy and Nussbaum, 2006 and C. gastrotaenia (Boulenger, 1888) by the snake Compsophis infralineatus (Günther 1882) near Mandaka, Madagascar
Devin A. Edmonds and Samina S. Sam-Edmonds
Herpetology Notes (17), 2024: pp. 327-328
DOI:  not available

Picture: from the above-mentioned publication, CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

Comparative anatomy of the forearms of different chameleons

Comparative anatomy of the forearms of different chameleons

Tiermedizin Science

The anatomy of chameleons seems to be strongly adapted to their way of life. Tree-dwellers differ in many aspects from ground-dwellers. Several studies at the University of South Dakota this year have already looked at various anatomical aspects of chameleons. A new study is dedicated to the hands and arms.

For the investigation, the arms and hands of a total of 12 chameleons were isolated from existing microcomputer tomography scans and displayed in 3D. These were measured to about 30 different lengths and widths using software. Scans of the species Bradypodion damaranum, Bradypodion occidentale, Calumma hilleniusi, Calumma crypticum, Chamaeleo namaquensis, Chamaeleo zeylanicus, Furcifer balteatus, Furcifer campani, Rhampholeon spinosus, Rhampholeon temporalis, Trioceros goetzei goetzei and Trioceros werneri were evaluated. When selecting the species, care was taken to select one strictly tree-inhabiting chameleon and one more ground-inhabiting chameleon per genus.

The evaluation revealed that tree-dwelling chameleons show few differences in forelimb anatomy compared to ground-dwelling chameleons. Tree-dwelling species showed a majority of separated metacarpal bones 1-3, while ground-dwelling species showed fused metacarpal bones. Interestingly, this study differs from earlier studies by other authors, which yielded different results. The relatively small number of animals studied may be related to this. Larger studies could be helpful here.

Ecological and evolutionary drivers of chameleon forelimb variation
Ellie M. Schley
Honors Thesis 302 der Universität von South Dakota, 2023
DOI: gibt es nicht