Online lecture about terrarium lighting

Online lecture about terrarium lighting

Live lectures Webinars

The tenth digital regulars’ table of the DGHT takes up a particularly interesting topic for terrarium keepers: Terrarium lighting! On Thursday, 31 October 2024, physicist Sarina Wunderlich will present a wealth of knowledge about light and lamps in terrariums. She regularly tests lamps, explains the results and how to interpret them – and what is important when it comes to terrarium lighting. Her website is probably well known to many people by now. Questions can be asked and discussed after the presentation. Attendance is free and highly recommended!

Sarina Wunderlich Light in terraristics[German!]
Digital regulars’ table of the DGHT
Online lecture, please register via
Start of lecture: 8 p.m.

Our conference programme for May 2023

Our conference programme for May 2023

AG Interna

After we were able to publish a preview of the conference programme in December last year, we now have the final conference programme. This year’s conference will take place from 05 to 07 May 2023 in the tranquil town of Boppard am Rhein. As experience shows that the weekends in Boppard are booked up quickly, we recommend that you look for a hotel or guesthouse soon. Our programme has become a nice mixture of keeping reports, general terraristics and travel reports. Friday is the traditional day for arrival and a pleasant dinner in the local restaurants.

Saturday starts with a classic husbandry and breeding report. Jean-Dominique Dufraine has been keeping Rieppeleon brevicaudatus and Archaius tigris for several years. He talks about his experiences in breeding, but also in the everyday keeping of the two species. Afterwards, Thorsten Negro will take us on a search for Parson’s Chameleons in their natural habitat in Madagascar.

In the afternoon, Oliver Witte will give us an exciting insight into law, legislation and terrarium keeping – don’t worry, it won’t be as dry as it sounds, but very interesting for chameleon keepers. As a highlight, the physicist Sarina Wunderlich from has also agreed to join us. LEDs are becoming increasingly popular in terrarium keeping, not least because they can save a lot of electricity. Sarina will show us the advantages and risks of LEDs and discuss the latest development, UV LEDs. After these two presentations, we have planned plenty of time for discussion and questions, because there will certainly be plenty to talk about. At the end of Saturday, Rayana Vuillemain will introduce us to the Association Caméléon Centre Conservation (Switzerland) – this is the only presentation in English.

Sunday will be another colourful day: Lars Dwinger will report on a Madagascar trip to the southern highlands and the central east of the island. He travelled between carpet chameleons and rice fields as well as in the rainforest of Ranomafana, where he met a variety of small and large chameleons. Markus Grimm will conclude with an overview of Chamaeleo chamaeleon in its natural habitat in Europe as well as keeping and breeding them in terrariums.

We are very much looking forward to a nice meeting and many chameleon friends!

Lecture in Munich on LED lighting

Lecture in Munich on LED lighting

Live lectures

Anyone involved in chameleon husbandry will increasingly come across LED lighting. Although their use has been rather limited so far, LEDs now offer many possibilities, but also some dangers. Physicist Sarina Wunderlich from has studied the subject in depth and bundled everything important into an informative lecture. The lecture “UV-B-LEDS: New developments and tried and tested methods for supplying vitamin D3 to terrarium inhabitants” will take place on Thursday, 18.08.2022, at 7 pm at the Munich State Zoological Collection. If you would like to attend, please send an email to Kathrin Glaw. A contribution towards expenses of € 10 will be charged, and drinks and pretzels will be organised.

Sarina Wunderlich UV-B-LEDS: New developments and tried and tested for supplying vitamin D3 to terrarium inhabitants

Lecture room of the Zoologische Staatssammlung München
Münchhausenstraße 1
81247 München
Start of lecture: 7 pm