Presentation in Dortmund about Namibia

Presentation in Dortmund about Namibia

Reiseberichte Live lectures

Regina Liebel will give a detailed presentation about a great trip to Namibia on July 5, 2024 in Bergkamen near Dortmund. After the European Championship match, of course ;) .

Regina Liebel A round trip over 3481 km through Namibia [German]
DGHT City Group Dortmund
Restaurant Olympia
Im Alten Dorf 2
59192 Bergkamen
Meeting from 5.30 pm
Lecture starts at 7.30 pm

Presentation in Munich about Greece

Presentation in Munich about Greece

Live lectures

On Thursday, 20 June 2024, reptile specialist Jochen Zauner will give an richly illustrated lecture on Greece in Munich. He will report on his two trips to the western Peloponnese in 2006 and 2023. The Peoloponnese is a peninsula in the south of the Greek mainland. It is the southernmost part of the Balkan Peninsula and therefore the area of Greece that extends furthest into the Mediterranean. In addition to the famous cities of Mycenae, Corinth and Sparta, the peninsula is also home to a diverse herpetological fauna. Between the Strofilia forests in the north and the barren mountain slopes of the Mani in the south, you will encounter some endemics as well as old favourites of the Balkan Peninsula.

Addendum: The lecture was unfortunately cancelled due to the European Football Championship! Another date will hopefully be found.

Jochen Zauner Herpetological observations in the Peloponnese  [German!]
DGHT city group Munich
Tübinger Straße 10
80686 Munich
Start of lecture 7.00 pm

Presentation in Dortmund about Socotra (Yemen)

Presentation in Dortmund about Socotra (Yemen)

Live lectures

On Friday, 7 June 2024, the ‘AG veteran’ Wolfgang Schmidt will give an illustrated lecture on Socotra in Bergkamen near Dortmund. He will report on a trip to the island in the Indian Ocean. Socotra officially belongs to Yemen, but has been ruled by the United Arab Emirates since 2018. The island is also known as the ‘Galapagos of the Indian Ocean’ because its centuries of isolation as an island have allowed a unique flora and fauna to develop. Over a third of the plant species found there are endemic, and the number of amphibians and reptiles is likely to be even higher. Between dragon trees and the largest coastal dunes in the world, there are many exciting herpetological observations, including chameleons.

Wolfgang Schmidt Socotra [German!]
DGHT City Group Dortmund
Restaurant Olympia
Im Alten Dorf 2
59192 Bergkamen

Lecture starts at 7.30 pm

Presentation in Zurich about Spain and Morocco

Presentation in Zurich about Spain and Morocco

Live lectures

Dr Herbert Billinger will give a wonderful lecture on Morocco and southern Spain on Monday, 29 January 2024 in Zurich.

When the days get shorter and shorter in late autumn in Switzerland, the sun hides behind a thick layer of fog and the reptiles and amphibians sleep in their winter quarters, his wife Yvonne and he are always drawn to more southerly climes. The lecture is a summary of several winter trips to southern Spain and Morocco. And there is a lot to see there in terms of herpetology!

Dr. Herbert Billing Herpetological winter excursions in Morocco and southern Spain
DGHT City Group Zurich (Switzerland)
Canteen in the operations building of Zurich Zoo (1st floor)
Zürichbergstraße 221
8044 Zürich
Start of lecture 20.00 hrs

Presentation on Oman in Francfort

Presentation on Oman in Francfort

Reiseberichte Live lectures

On 15 December 2023, Benjamin Scheler from Burgrieden will give an illustrated talk in Frankfurt am Main about a trip to Oman. The Sultanate of Oman is located in the south-east of the Arabian Peninsula and borders the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

As a desert connoisseur, Benjamin Scheler travelled through Oman for two weeks last year. He travelled around 4500 km. From his starting point in Muscat, he travelled south-east down the coast. A short detour to the country’s largest island – Masirah – then took him to Dhofar. This southernmost province of Oman is the only area of the Arabian Peninsula to feel the influence of the summer monsoon. The flora and fauna are correspondingly different compared to the rest of the country. From there, we travelled a little further north, away from the coast, into the desert areas. We then took the only road through the arid hinterland back to the capital Muscat. Benjamin was able to track down 45 species of reptiles and amphibians, some in unexpectedly high numbers – including chameleons.

All in all, you can expect a great, colourful presentation that will certainly not only delight desert fans!

Benjamin Scheler A (first) trip to Oman to find reptiles and amphibians
DGHT City Group Frankfurt
Zoo school of Zoo Frankfurt
Alfred-Brehm-Platz 16
60316 Frankfurt am Main
Einlass ab 18.30 Uhr, Vortragsbeginn 19.00 Uhr

Photo: Chamaeleo arabicus in Oman, photographed by Benjamin Scheler

Lecture in Ulm about Spain

Lecture in Ulm about Spain

Reiseberichte Live lectures

Heiko Werning, known as the editor of Reptilia and columnist for the taz, will be giving an illustrated lecture on 18 November 2023 in Neu-Ulm (Bavaria) about not only, but also chameleons in Spain.

On an exciting journey across Spain, he will show how many reptiles and amphibians the European country has to offer. And the diversity is impressive! Heiko’s journey begins in the Basque Country and then leads through Galicia to northern Castile with its beautiful salamanders. In the central Spanish mountain ranges, the herpetologist encounters the quaint mountain lizards. A few hours’ drive west of Madrid, in Extremadura, Heiko finds himself among vultures in the truest sense of the word. And on the southern Spanish Atlantic coast, he finally encounters the European chameleon and its habitat. Finally, Heiko takes his viewers to south-east Spain, where he has found, among other things, Moorish tortoises and the European fringed finger in the only desert in Europe. All in all, a colourful firework display of images and entertaining anecdotes – every reptile lover should get their money’s worth here!

Heiko Werning The Spanish mainland – A destination (also) for herpetological gourmets
DGHT City Group Ulm
Il Mio Ristorante
Europastraße 15
89231 Neu-Ulm
Meeting from 6.30 pm

Presentation in Mönchengladbach about South Africa

Presentation in Mönchengladbach about South Africa

Reiseberichte Live lectures

On Friday, 3 November 2023, Reinhard Münzer will give a lecture on a trip to South Africa that is not just about herpetology. The country, which is 3.4 times the size of Germany and has a diverse natural environment, offers the best conditions for exciting and varied discoveries. The lecture will not only show reptiles, but of course also the Big Five.

Reinhard Münzer Travel impressions South Africa
DGHT regional group Mönchengladbach/Krefeld
Vereinsheim SC 08 Schiefbahn
Siedlerallee 27
47877 Willich-Schiefbahn
Meeting from 7.30 pm, presentation starts at 8.00 pm

Picture: Reinhard Münzer

Presentation in Neu-Ulm about Turkey

Presentation in Neu-Ulm about Turkey

Reiseberichte Live lectures

On Saturday, 16 September 2023, Laura and Bobby Bok will give a talk on herpetological trips to Turkey. The herpetofauna of Anatolia is astonishingly diverse – not without reason it is also called “Asia Minor”. Reptiles from the Balkans, the Caucasus, Central Asia and the deserts of Arabia meet here. From turtles to the smallest gecko – there is a lot to tell from Anatolia!

Laura und Bobby Bok Türkiye from Trabzon to the Taurus
DGHT city group Ulm
Il Mio Ristorante
Europastraße 15 (Am Mutenhölzle)
89231 Neu-Ulm
Begin at 6.30 p.m.

Presentation in Kassel about Morocco

Presentation in Kassel about Morocco

Reiseberichte Live lectures

On Saturday, 16 September 2023, Uwe Prokoph will give a lecture on a herpetological journey to the Western Sahara and the south of Morocco. Although the landscape there seems rather hostile at first glance, there is a lot to discover, especially in reptiles!

Uwe Prokoph Desert Wonderworlds
DGHT Stadtgruppe Kassel
House Schönewald
Wilhelmstraße 17
34233 Fuldatal
from 6 o’clock p.m.

Lecture in Hamburg about Madagascar

Lecture in Hamburg about Madagascar

Reiseberichte Live lectures

Together with Jutta Dwinger, AG member Lars Dwinger will be giving a presentation full of pictures in Schleswig-Holstein on Friday, 15th September 2022. Last year, the two travelled to the north of Madagascar, which is known for its extreme biodiversity.

The journey begins in the Marojejy National Park, which stretches across the gorges and steep slopes of the mountain range of the same name. There you can see extremely rarely photographed chameleons, but also a great variety of frogs, snakes and geckos. Afterwards, the journey led via the east coast towns of Sambava and Vohémar to the dry forest of Daraina. The next stop was the world-famous Tsingys in Ankarana National Park. Even in these two dry forests, there is a lot of small and big life. The final stop was camping in the middle of a chameleon paradise: The Montagne d’Ambre in the far north of Madagascar. Between tiny earth chameleons that just fit on the tip of a finger and the gentle giants of the rainforest, the two Hamburgers encounter many fascinating creatures on this trip.

Lars und Jutta Dwinger  Foray through four national parks in the north of Madagascar
Terrarien-Freunde-Hamburg e.V.
Vereinsheim des SC Condor
Berner Heerweg 188
22159 Hamburg
Start of the presentation at 6 p.m.

Picture: Brookesia betschi in Marojejy, photographed by Jutta Dwinger