YouTube live about Malagasy chameleons

YouTube live about Malagasy chameleons

Live Stream Live lectures

On Saturday, 10 June 2023, there will be a live discussion on YouTube with the herpetologist Mark D. Scherz and Bill Strand from the Chameleon Academy in the USA. The topic will be the Malagasy chameleon Calumma brevicorne and its numerous relatives, some of which are extremely similar in appearance. Taxonomically, many chameleons of the brevicorne clade are not yet classifiable – possibly some undescribed new species are hiding among them? There will be an opportunity to ask questions about the topic live in the chat throughout the hour. This should be a very exciting talk round!

Chameleons & Coffee: Confusing Madagascar chameleons
Chameleon Academy YouTube Channel
Starting at 9.00 p.m.