Presentation in Basel about the Comoros

Presentation in Basel about the Comoros

Dr Oliver Hawlitschek from the University of Zurich will be giving a great lecture on the Comoros on Wednesday, 5 March 2025 in Basel (Switzerland). The Comoros are a group of four volcanic islands in the Western Indian Ocean. Compared to similar oceanic archipelagos such as Hawai’i and the Galápagos, however, they are little known globally and little scientifically researched. The fauna is characterised by a large number of endemic species. Over the past 15 years, Oliver has studied the taxonomy, biogeography and ecology of the reptiles and amphibians living there and has been involved in numerous conservation projects. He will be presenting the results of this work on this evening – it’s sure to be very exciting!

Dr. Oliver Hawlitschek The Comoros, a hotspot of herpetological diversity in the Indian Ocean [German]
DGHT city group Basel
Restaurant Schiff
Baslerstraße 32
4102 Binningen
Vortragsbeginn 20.00 Uhr

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